
2 Hours


Face, Neck, or Chest



The Sciton® Halo™ laser is an innovative fractional laser that allows it to be used with both ablative or non-ablative technologies. This dual-wavelength feature means that the laser resurfaces both your epidermis (the topmost layer of skin) and the dermis (the thick layer of living tissue directly under the epidermis) at the same time. Ablation laser treatments trigger tissue repair by removing damaged skin cells, debris, and imperfections that dull your complexion. Non-ablative laser technology revitalizes skin from deeper in the dermis, stimulating collagen production and speeding up cellular turnover. Halo™ gives Dr. Betty the flexibility to choose the best treatment type for your skin’s specific condition, and the ability to switch course mid-treatment for more complex conditions. HALO can treat most skin types, on face and body. Popular off-face treatments include: neck, chest, arms, hands, legs and scarring. With Halo™ laser treatments, you can achieve firm, youthful, clear skin quickly with little downtime.

What Does HALO TREAT ?

Although the Halo laser is one of the most effective fine line and wrinkle reducers, it isn’t just a treatment for aging skin. It also corrects issues such as:

  • Discoloration

  • Uneven skin tone

  • Visible signs of aging

  • Enlarged pores

  • Sun damage

  • Scarring

Thanks to Halo’s unique dual-wavelength technology, the treatment can resurface about 25 to 30 percent of the skin. Many other more gentle lasers only resurface approximately 5 percent. This means the results of your treatments will be much more noticeable and dramatic than less powerful laser treatments. Results will vary depending on the number of treatments you get and the severity of your skin problems. However, most patients report a significant improvement in their complexion after just one Halo treatment.


Some laser treatments are only effective for men and women with lighter pigment skin complexions. This is because the laser targets visible skin imperfections, some of which are more easily overlooked with darker skin tones.

Halo is different. By using a motion-tracking technology to measure your face beforehand, the laser can scan and target imperfections deep within the epidermis — even imperfections that would not be visible to the naked eye. Because of this, it is effective for all ages, all skin types, and all complexions.

During the Halo treatment.

Lasers can be painful. To reduce the pain and improve the experience, we will apply a topical anesthetic 30 minutes before the procedure. Once the numbing medication has kicked in, your face will be measured with motion-tracking technology to ensure an even skin treatment. The laser will then be applied.

For those who are prone to cold sores or inflammation, prescriptions will be accessible prior to appointment to reduce any possible symptoms.

What to Expect after halo treatment?

Many individuals report a burning sensation immediately following their treatment, similar to the feeling of a sunburn. This typically passes after several hours. Swelling and redness are common and can last 2-3 days.

There are other post-care considerations to keep in mind as well. You need to remain make-up free for at least 24 hours following your Halo treatment. You should also stay out of the sun as much as possible throughout your entire healing process, which can last several weeks.

Your skin undergoes a bronzing stage every several days. During this stage, your skin will peel to reveal new, revitalized layers beneath. If you receive a Halo treatment, these layers will contain improved skin tone and texture, as well as a decreased appearance of scars and dark spots. The first signs of improvement will be noticeable 2-5 days after your treatment.

During the next few weeks, you’ll continue to see subtle improvement in pigmentation, texture, and tone. These results will continue as your skin regenerates through the following months. Overall, if you protect your skin from UV rays, your results can last for years to come.