Halo™ & BBL™ Signature series-$1750

Includes Halo/BBL, over $250 in skin care products and a follow-up BBL!

How Does Halo™ Laser Treatment Work?

The Sciton® Halo™ laser is an innovative fractional laser that allows it to be used with both ablative or non-ablative technologies. Ablation laser treatments trigger tissue repair by removing damaged skin cells, debris, and imperfections that dull your complexion. Non-ablative laser technology revitalizes skin from deeper in the dermis, stimulating collagen production and speeding up cellular turnover. Halo™ gives Dr. Betty the flexibility to choose the best treatment type for your skin’s specific condition, and the ability to switch course mid-treatment for more complex conditions requiring both types. With Halo™ laser treatments, you can achieve firm, youthful, clear skin quickly with little downtime.

How Does BBL PhotoFacial Treatment Work?

Broadband Light (BBL™) PhotoFacial treatments renew skin cells a little differently than fractional lasers. BBL™ PhotoFacial is designed to deliver short pulses of photothermal light into the treatment area. The light is particularly well absorbed by pigment and skin irregularities, so over time, sun damage, hyperpigmentation, and age spots absorb enough light to dissolve. Gentle heating of the top layer of your skin leads to tightening and cell renewal. Your skin is clearer, smoother, and your discoloration concerns fade away for a youthful, radiant glow.

BBL™ is the world’s most powerful IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) device on the market. It sets new standards in treating skin conditions associated with aging, active life-styles, and sun damage.

The light energy delivered by BBL will gently heat the upper layers of your skin. The heat absorbed by the targeted areas will stimulate your skin cells to regenerate. This process will restore your skin to its natural beauty, making it clearer, smoother, vibrant and younger looking.  No topical anesthetic is required for this treatment and it is very well tolerated with our integrating cooling technology.

BBL energy allows us to treat age and sun spots, small facial veins, and many other skin conditions. Your treatment plan will be tailored to match your skin type and your desired results. BBL is the solution for these skin concerns:

Freckles and age spots

Small blood vessels and rosacea


Aging Skin

Loss of firmness

What is the Difference Between Halo and BBL Treatments?

For pigmentation concerns, sun damage, age spots, scarring, and skin redness, both Halo™ laser and BBL™ PhotoFacial treatments are good choices, but what’s the real difference between them? The answer is depth. BBL™ PhotoFacial treatments concentrate on surface level correction, breaking up pigmentation problems, mild acne scarring, and sun damage, and tightening skin in the topmost layers of your skin. Halo™ laser treatments target cellular irregularities deep in the dermis, stimulating collagen production to support and firm up your skin from the inside out.

What is Each Treatment Like?

If you’ve opted for Halo™ treatments, your skin will be thoroughly cleansed and numbed with anesthetic cream for maximum comfort. Once it takes effect, the laser energy is delivered to the precise depth to remodel your skin and stimulate collagen. The treatment lasts around 75 minutes including the time to cleanse and numb the skin.

For BBL™ PhotoFacial treatments, numbing is not necessary and the procedure usually takes approximately 60 minutes.

Benefits of Combining HALO™ and BBL™

Both HALO™ and BBL™ treatments are minimally invasive procedures that produce results with customizable downtime. For patients seeking enhanced results, these treatments can be performed in tandem on the same day in order to better address texture, fine line or discoloration concerns. When combining these laser treatments, it is common for BBL™ to be performed first. This quick and safe procedure generally takes thirty minutes or less per session, depending on the size and location of the treatment area, and works to target texture and pigmentation concerns and bring any discoloration to the surface of the skin. The skin is then treated with a numbing cream to prepare for HALO™’s hybrid fractional laser technology which can be applied right after to provide additional exfoliative results and further address any texture concerns, such as fine lines or textural irregularities.

The combined treatments build off of each other to produce results including smoother skin tone and texture and an overall more youthful appearance with the same downtime that would be expected from a single HALO™ session alone. Most patients can expect slight swelling or redness, similar to a minor sunburn, during the first few days after treatment.

Each treatment at Vitality Kauai is personalized based on individual patient needs and goals. During your one-on-one consultation, further benefits of combining HALO™ and BBL™ treatments will be explained.

Our patients are often surprised how quickly results with both treatments become noticeable. Your skin is smoother, clearer, firmer, and noticeably radiant in the days following your treatment. With repeated treatments, you can significantly diminish discoloration and tighten skin to reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Your skin doesn’t just appear younger and healthier, with renewed cellular turnover, rebuilt collagen, elastin, and better support structure, your skin is younger and healthier!